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简介1.高考英语阅读理解答题技巧2.高考英语阅读理解题及参考答案3.高考英语阅读理解类型4.高考英语阅读理解主旨大意题解题技巧5.高考英语阅读理解解题技巧 高考英语阅读理解秒杀法  大家在复习备考过程中一定要了解高考,最好能在只看答案的情况下排除一些错误选项。为了帮助广大考生提高答题效率和阅读理解正确率,我为你整理了高考,希望对您有所帮助!   英语阅读理解











 提问方式Wh-特殊问句; From the text...,According to...,True/not true,划线词语、句子,简单计算、排列事件顺序、识图等。




 文章为了表达得准确严密,很注意对范围的限定。有的是通过加上相应的词语限制,如涉及到数量时常用many,almost all,nearly,more than,over,only a few,normally等限制.有些干扰项是通过改变或去掉限定词语,甚至是扩大或缩小了语言范围。






 提问方式What' s the topic/subject of the text/the second paragraph?

 What is stated in...? The text is cheifly concerned with___。








 The story suggests that___________. It can be inferred that___________。

 The story implies that ___________. It can be concluded that ___________。

 We can learn that___________。









 例如:or, that is, in other words, including, although, but, or, even if, on the other hand, on the contrary, other than, rather than, more than, instead of等词语之后的内容。


  1. 浏览试题,明确要求。


  2. 通读全文,抓住主要内容,要在不影响理解的前提下,尽可能地阅读以便在尽可能短的时间内理解文章或段落的内容。


  3. 抓住中心思想和段落大意。

 通读全文时,要特别注意主题句。每篇文章或每个段落都有与文章有关的句子,尤其是科技、政论性文章的主题句一般都在文章的开 头或结尾,插在中间的很少。


  4. 有针对性地仔细阅读,找寻所需信息。


  5. 进行合理的推理判断。


  6. 认真复读,验证答案。





 Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a tops. The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer — Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps.Before the order was filled and delivered, a ball was planned at Mauritius’ Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words “Post Office” instead of “Post Paid” on the several hundred stamps that he printed.Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it.

 1. Over a century ago, Mauritius _______.

 A. was an independent country

 B. belonged to India

 C. was one of the British colonies

 D. was a small island in the Pacific Ocean

 2. The mistake on the stamps was made _______.

 A. in Mauritius

 B. at Mauritius Government House

 C. in a post office

 D. in London

 3. Stamp collectors have paid 16 800 for _______.

 A. fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds

 B. twelve Two Penny Blues

 C. one One Penny Orange-Red

 D. one Two Penny Blue

 答案与解析 本文讲述的是本来不值钱的邮票由于印刷错误却使其价值倍增。

 1. C。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句… more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean可知答案为C。

 2. A。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius可知答案选A。

 3. D。事实细节题。根据文章最后一句Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it 可知答案为D。




 Wh-特殊问句; From the text…,According to…,True/not true,划线词语、句子,简单计算、排列事件顺序、识图等。





 文章为了表达得准确严密,很注意对范围的限定。有的是通过加上相应的词语限制,如涉及到数量时常用many,almost all,nearly,more than,over,only a few,normally等限制。有些干扰项是通过改变或去掉限定词语,甚至是扩大或缩小了语言范围。







 What' s the topic/subject of the text/the second paragraph?

 What is stated in…? The text is cheifly concerned with_______。









 The story suggests that___________. It can be inferred that_____________.

 The story implies that _____________. It can be concluded that __________.

 We can learn that _______________.









 ②利用语境及逻辑关系猜词。有时完全可以利用上下文语境和前后句之间的并列、因果、转折、对比、解释定义和举例等关系来猜测词义。同时特别留心某些词语,例如:or, that is, in other words, including, although, but, or, even if, on the other hand, on the contrary, other than, rather than, more than, instead of等词语之后的内容。


如果是说考场上的话,阅读因为是有四篇,再加七选五。阅读整体上而言,比如说这40分能不能拿到手,其实有一些优秀的孩子,他们完全可以拿满分的。 我也曾经跟很多优秀的孩子平时有沟通,其实得到的信息无非就是说:第一、这些学生你会发现他本身的词汇量基础是很大的,虽然阅读考查很多能力,比如说你掌握信息的能力、阅读速度,阅读速度也是考查之一。另外,比如说你推断的能力、概括的能力,这些都是阅读题考查的,但是其实最最重要的还是学生的词汇量基础如何。就是如果你的词汇量、你的阅读理解能力很强,所以阅读这一块应该不会成为太大的问题。


 所以,阅读这个部分,按理说他是可以能够拿满分的一个部分。所以,如果能够保证这样的话,我觉得第一点、时间分配要清楚,比如说阅读题,你一定要限制在每篇阅读6-7分钟,不能再超了,因为再超了,你其他的时间就没有了。另外一个,一定要分题型,就是如果他是细节题,就一定要上文章中去找细节,一定要找到那句话,如果你没有找到那个出题点的话,你轻易地去选往往会出错。如果他是那种概括题的话,就一定要注意文章的首段、尾段、尾段的首句,这 样的文章细致地阅读,能够帮助我们的考生去把这样的题更好地去做对。






 Today just as technology changed the face of industry, farms have experienced an ?agricultural revolution?. On the farm of today, machines provide almost all the power.

 One of the most important benefits will be the farm computer. A few forward-looking farmers are already using computers to help them run their farms more efficiently. The computers help them keep more accurate records so they can make better decisions on what crops to plant, how much livestock (家畜) to buy, when to sell their products, and how much profit they can expect. Many computer companies have been developing special computer programs just for farmers. Programs are being written for pig producers, grain farmers, potato farmers, and dairy farmers. In the future, farmers will be able to purchase computer programs made to their needs. Because of the growing importance of computers on the farm, students at agricultural colleges are required to take computer classes in addition to their normal agricultural courses. There can be no doubt that farmers will rely on computers even more in the future. While the old-time farm depended on horse power, and modern farms depend on machine power, farms of the future will depend on computer power.

 Another technological advance which is still in the experimental stage is the robot, a real ?mechanized hired hand? that will be able to move and, in some ways, think like a human being. Agricultural engineers believe that computer-aided robots will make shocking changes in farming before the end of the century. Unlike farmers of the present, farmers of the future will find that many day-to-day tasks will be done for them. Scientists are now developing robots that will be able to shear (修剪) sheep, drive tractors, and harvest fruit. Even complex jobs will be done by robots. For example, in order to milk their cows, farmers must first drive them into the barn, then connect them to the milking machines, watch the machines, and disconnect them when they are finished. In the future, this will all be done by robots. In addition, when the milking is completed, the robots will automatically check to make sure that the milk is pure. The complete change of the farm is far in the future, but engineers expect that some robots will be used before long.

 1. According to the passage, computers can not help farmers decide _______.

 A. how much money they can earn from their products

 B. whether to plant a certain kind of crop

 C. what livestock to raise

 D. when to sell their products

 2. Which of the following statements is true?

 A. Farmers in the future will depend totally on computers.

 B. Farmers mainly use machines on their farms at present.

 C. Both computers and robots have been in use on today?s farms.

 D. Students at agricultural colleges needn?t take their normal agricultural courses.

 3.What is the best title for the whole passage?

 A. Computer, Farmers? Best Friend

 B. Farmers in The Future

 C. The Agricultural Revolution

 D. Computers and Robots


 History is full of cases where dreams have been a pathway to creativity and discovery. A striking example is provided by Dr. Otto Loewi, a pharmacologist (药理学家) and winner of a Nobel Prize. Loewi had spent years studying the chemical transmission of nerve impulses (脉搏). A tremendous breakthrough in his research came when he dreamed of an experiment three nights in a row. The first two nights he woke up and wrote down the experiment quickly and untidily on paper. But the next morning, he couldn?t tell what the notes meant. On the third night, he got up after having the dream. This time, instead of making notes he went straight to his laboratory and performed the important experiment. Loewi later said that if the experiment had occurred to him while awake he would have rejected it.

 Loewi?s experiment gives some insight into using dreams to produce creative solutions. Nervous feelings are reduced during dreaming, which may be especially useful in solving problems that require a fresh point of view.

 Being able to take advantage of dreams for solving is improved if you ?set? yourself before retiring. Before you go to bed, try to think intently about a problem you wish to solve. Bury yourself in the problem by stating it clearly and reviewing all relevant information. Then use the suggestions listed in the previous section to catch your dreams. Although this method is not guaranteed to produce a novel solution or a new insight, it is certain to be an adventure. About half of a group of college students using the method for a week recalled a dream that helped them solve a personal problem.

 1. The main idea of this passage is that________.

 A. very little is really known about the meaning of dreams

 B. it is possible to "catch" one's dreams by planning before going to sleep

 C. dreams can be useful in producing creative solutions to one's problems

 D. Loewi's experiment helped in the study of transmission of nerve impulses

 2. The first paragraph is mainly organized by________.

 A. classifying types of experiments

 B. summarizing the work of one researcher

 C. comparing and exploring historical cases

 D. telling in time order about one man's researchf

 3. If Loewi had thought of the experiment while awake, he would have________.

 A. asked someone else to do it

 B. thought it was a bad idea

 C. tried it out on his own

 D. thought it was a wise idea

 4. The author probably thinks that________.

 A. Loewi should not have conducted his experiment

 B. dreaming is of very little value to most people

 C. inhibitions may stop someone thinking of useful ideas

 D. college students should not try out dream experiments

 5. The author seems to be in favor of________according to the passage.

 A. seeking creative solutions

 B. avoiding scientific experiments

 C. inhibitions before dreams

 D. becoming a famous scientist



 1.C. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三句中how many live-stock to buy可知表数量。

 2.B. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句可知。

 3.C. 主旨大意题。标题中关键词是 agricultural revolution.

 第二篇:1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A











 1,总分式 总---分;分----总;总----分---总;

 2,并列式 几个论据之间属于平等关系;

 3,递进式 几个论据之间属于递进关系;

 4,对照式 把两种事物加以对比,以彰显其中一种。















 To argue that zoos imprison animals is to misunderstand what zoos are about. Without zoos many of the creatures we love and admire would no longer exist. Every single day,over one hundred animal species vanish. Scientists predict that as early as 2050 one quarter of the Earth?s species will become extinct.

 27.The underlined word ?vanish? in Paragraph 2 most probably means _____.

 A. remain B. disappear C. become rarer D. get killed



 Zoos divide opinion:there are those who think it is cruel to keep animals locked up while others believe zoos are essential for the survival of endangered species.

 29. According to the passage some people do not agree with zoos because they _____.

 A. are too expensive to run B. put animals in danger

 C. do not provide enough food D. keep animals locked up



 To argue that zoos imprison animals is to misunderstand what zoos are about. Without zoos many of the creatures we love and admire would no longer exist. Every single day,over one hundred animal species vanish. Scientists predict that as early as 2050 one quarter of the Earth?s species will become extinct.

 26. What?s the writer?s attitude towards zoos?

 A. He shows no opinion either for or against them.

 B. He thinks that they are unnecessary and cruel.

 C. He believes they play an important environmental role.

 D. He expresses a desire that more of them be built.



 Some animals are in danger because they are hunted. Alarmingly, the population of tigers has already fallen by ninety-five percent. Other species are in danger because of a lack of food. For example, there are fewer than 1300 giant pandas left in the wild.

 28. According to the passage the world?s tiger population _____.

 A. will rise by 5% next year B. is relatively stable

 C/ is 95% smaller than in the past D. has fallen to 95%






 我们阅读一篇文章, 首先是要了解其大意, 明确其主旨。因此, 主旨大意题是常考题。主旨大意题包括:主要内容(main idea, mainly about)型、文章标题(title)型、写作目的(purpose)型。广东高考近几年来考查过的题目中mainly about只考过4题,title题考了5题, purpose题考了5题。


  1.弄清文章的大意, 关键是找到主题句。

 主题句的位置:主题句通常在文首、文末或首尾呼应, 有时也在文中,或没有主题句,需根据文章所述内容进行归纳。各段的主题句也常在该段的首句或尾句。议论文和说明文一般有主题句,但记叙文通常没有主题句,需要归纳。



 (1)段落中出现表转折的词语(如however, but, in fact, actually等)时, 该句很可能是主题句。

 (2)首段出现疑问句时, 对该问题的回答很可能就是文章主旨。


 (4)表示总结或结论的话常有therefore, thus, in short, conclude, conclusion等。


 (1)干扰项可能属文中某个具体事实或细节;可能属文中某些 (不完全的)事实或细节片面推出的错误结论;可能属非文章事实的主观臆断。


  4.在阅读理解中,主旨大意题常有以下几种命题方式: (1)Main idea型:选择项多为陈述句,要求考生选择表达作者思想或观点的.句子。题干多为如下形式:

 ①What's the main idea/point of the passage?

 ②The passage is mainly about________.

 ③The passage is mainly concerned about________.

 ④Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?

 ⑤Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea/theme of the passage?

 ⑥In this passage the author discusses primarily______.

 ⑦The subject discussed in this text is________.

 ⑧The general/main idea of the passage is about________.

 (2)Main purpose型:选择项多为动宾结构,要求考生找到主要的写作目的,常见以下几种题干形式:

 ①What's the purpose of the passage?

 ②The passage is meant to________.

 ③The purpose of the article is to________.

 ④In this passage the writer tries to tell us that________.

 ⑤The passage tells us that________.

 ⑥The author's main purpose in writing the passage is to ...


 ①The best title of the passage is________.

 ②Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

 ③The best title for the passage is________.

 ④The most appropriate title of the passage is________.

 In the animal kingdom, weakness can bring about aggression in other animal. This sometimes happens with humans also. But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people. I see it every day when people hold doors for me, pour cream into my coffee, or help me to put on my coat. And I have discovered that it makes them happy.


 From my wheelchair experience, I see the best in people...Often, we try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness...But only when we stop

 pretending we're brave or strong do we allow people to show the kindness that's in them.

 30.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

 A.A Wheelchair Experience.

 B.Weakness and Kindness.

 C.Weakness and Strength.

 D.A Driving Experience

 解析:主旨大意题。在第一段中,出现了表转折的But...可知,“But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people”便是主题句,再根据第二段最后一句可以确定,这句的确是主题句。又因标题要简明、醒目,故选B。


 In a world with limited land, water and other natural resources (资源), the harm from the traditional business model is on the rise. Actually, the past decade has seen more and more forests disappearing and globe becoming increasingly warm. People now realize that this unhealthy situation must be changed, and that we must be able to develop in sustainable (可持续的)ways. That means growth with low carbon or development of sustainable

 products.In other words, we should keep the earth healthy while using its supply of natural resources.

 Today, sustainable development is a proper trend in many countries....In recent years the markets for sustainable products have grown by more than 50%.

 45.What is the main purpose of the passage?

 A.To introduce a new business model.

 B.To compare two business models.

 C.To predict a change of the global market.

 D.To advocate sustainable development.

 解析:主旨大意题。在第一段中,出现了转折的Actually,其后的“People now realize that this unhealthy situation must be changed,and that we must be able to develop in sustainable(可持续的)ways”是主题句,随后的两句话都是对这一句进

 行解释;句中两个must清楚表明了作者“提倡可持续发展”,第二段首句“Today,sustainable development is a proper trend in many countries”进一步说明,作者写这篇文章的主要目的是“提倡可持续发展”。故选D。


 Although the use of the expression is an insincere, meaningless social custom at times, there is nothing wrong with the sentence except that it is little uninteresting. The salesgirl, the waitress, the teacher, and all the countless others who speak it without thinking may not really care about my day. But in a strange and comfortable way, it's nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really don't care all that much. While the expression may not often

 be sincere, it is always spoken. The point is that people say it all the time when they like.

 30.What is the best title of the passage?

 A.Have a Nice Day — a Social Custom

 B.Have a Nice Day — a Pleasant Gesture

 C.Have a Nice Day — a Heartwarming Greeting

 D.Have a Nice Day — a Polite Ending of a Conversation



 (2013年高考)Imagination and fantasy can play an important role in achieving the things we fear.Children know this very well. Fred Epstein,in his book If I Make It to Five,tells a story he heard from one of friends about Tom,a fouryearold boy with a cancer in his back bone.He came through several operations and a lot of pain by mastering his imagination


 It doesn't mean that you should dress as a superhero for you next job interview. But,next time you are tested in a way that seems impossible, imagine what it would take to overcome it. Become the person you need to become to win over your challenge and do it in your mind first. So,let your imagination run wild,and dare to dream.

 30.What is the purpose of the passage?

 A.To tell us an interesting story.

 B.To help us make right decisions.

 C.To advise us to care about children.

 D.To encourage us to use our imagination.

 解析:主旨大意题。由文章首句Imagination and fantasy can play an important role in achieving the things we fear和全文末句So, let your imagination run wild, and dare to dream可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是鼓励我们运用我们的想象力。



高考英语阅读大智慧:找到正确流程\x0d\:\x0d\  在课堂内外常有学生问到一个问题:在高考阅读的解题中,到底应该先看题目还是先看文章。可以说,这是高考阅读教学中的经典问题之一。通常情况下,我的回答是“习惯是人生伟大的指南”。因为不管是什么样的解题顺序,首先你要养成一个正确的阅读习惯,在好的习惯的指引下,任何题型的文章你都可以融会贯通,点面俱到。\x0d\\x0d\  通过长时间的高考阅读的研究和整理,我大体将目前学生的阅读流程分为三类:\x0d\\x0d\  第一类:读文章——做题目——回头再读文章\x0d\\x0d\  此为传统方法,命中率高,但速度稍慢。优点是能够迅速理解全文的主题脉络,连贯地进行信息的排查,缺点是由于人的记忆力有限,很多细节在做题时已经忘却,有不确定的地方仍需回到原文细细查找,寻找依据,耗时费力。这种方法的使用,需要较好的英文基础外加优秀的强记能力,一般使用于高分段的学生。\x0d\\x0d\  不过,这种阅读流程的效果不单纯作用于考试,还可以切实提高英文阅读水平,对同学们大学以后的学习大有帮助。所以这种阅读顺序,我推荐给高一高二的学生在平时的阅读解题中大可以培养这种习惯,一方面确保准确率,第二稳步提升自己的英文阅读实力,但对于高三的同学,这种方法有些欠妥。由于复习时间的紧张,我们最好摒弃掉此类阅读习惯。\x0d\\x0d\  第二类:读题目(题干+选项)—— 读文章 —— 做题目\x0d\\x0d\  其实此类方法分两种,一种是只看题不看选项,即大致看看问题,然后带着问题再看文章;另一种是将题干和所有选择项看完,再看文章。第一种的优点是节约时间,缺点是由于不看选项,对于细节缺乏必要的把握,同样要返回文章找寻关键点,而且定位的时候没有精确的坐标;第二个就相对而言科学很多,优点是明了要重点注意的目标信息,有很好阅读的针对性,缺点是相对读文章的时间少了,难免断章取义缺少宏观的把握,容易陷入干扰选项设置的陷阱之中。\x0d\\x0d\  对于高三的同学们,我还是建议多使用这种方法,方法虽有利弊,但对于时间紧张的你们,往往事半功倍。\x0d\\x0d\  第三类:读主题——读题目—— 读全文——做题目\x0d\\x0d\  个人认为这种方法较以上两种更为全面和严谨,而我在新东方的课堂的上也是建议给每位同学们练习这种方法,养成很好的阅读习惯。\x0d\\x0d\  这种方法即先看懂各段首尾句或短文的第一段,大致明了文章的主题。此后细细地阅读题干推敲选项的大致设置,思考作者的行文规律和命题者的出题陷阱,然后带着已经在首尾句获得的信息和在题目中假设的思路回头进行有目的性的查找工作,准确率高且耗时相对较少。而我们现在的高考阅读文章均取自国内外的英文刊物,少有命题组自行行文的类型,此类文章逻辑严谨,结构清晰,所以气定神闲地先读完各段的首句再耐心的推敲考题选项的设置,往往会直接将四个选支排除掉一个或两个,这无疑对我们的解题帮助极大,减少了我们判断的压力轻松地将文章读完。\x0d\\x0d\  高考阅读虽错综复杂,但是只要你养成很好的阅读习惯,加上一些必要的解题技巧是一定能征服它的。新东方流传一句话“得阅读者,得天下”,可见阅读是高考的重中之重,所以让我们一起努力吧,征服阅读,战胜高考。\x0d\\x0d\  在课堂内外常有学生问到一个问题:在高考阅读的解题中,到底应该先看题目还是先看文章。可以说,这是高考阅读教学中的经典问题之一。通常情况下,我的回答是“习惯是人生伟大的指南”。因为不管是什么样的解题顺序,首先你要养成一个正确的阅读习惯,在好的习惯的指引下,任何题型的文章你都可以融会贯通,点面俱到。

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